Tech Tips: Tips For ZKTeco

28 Oct, 2020, 11:16 AM

Sales of ZKTeco access control product are increasing & with this increase in sales comes an increase in tech support calls. Below are a number of the most common issues which I have received calls about.


1. I’m able to add a controller to the software, but then unable to communicate with the controller


The most common cause of this is that the PC & the controller(s) are on different subnets. eg PC is & controller is This arrangement will allow the controller to be found by the software & added, but there will be no communications. To fix it delete the controller, redo the search & then change the IP address BEFORE adding the controller (s).


If you are using a Pro series controller the other 2 items to check are that you have specified the correct server address & port. By default the port is 8088, however, this can be altered in software setup. Also with Pro series, you must wait 60 seconds for the controller to reboot prior to being able to manage the doors etc on the controller.


2. On a 2 door controller both readers drive the same door OR the second door on the 2 door controller does not work


The answer to both of these queries is the same. Move the second reader to the correct terminals. The 2 door controllers support 4 wiegand readers, being in & out for both doors. The second lot of reader terminals are for door 1 out, not door 2.


3. I can see the controller, but when adding get an error that says something like “Cannot add pull device” or “Cannot add this device type”.


This is normally caused by attempting to use the incorrect software for the hardware type. The ZKAccess 3.5, no charge software, is used for standard C3 & most standalone products, eg MA300 etc.


The is the paid for software & is used with all Pro Series & Green Series controllers eg C3-400Pro, EC10 etc.


4. Issues when using stand alone device, typically biometric device like MA300, to interface via wiegand to an existing access control system, the wiegand does not seem to work.


Ensure that the Use SRB (Secure relay box) checkbox is NOT selected. If this is selected you will always get the same 56bit output when a valid finger/face is used.


Under wiegand settings ensure that in the wiegand output section you have selected the correct format, site code & user identifier.


5. When using multiple facial readers facial recognition speed & reliability varies from reader to reader?


This is almost always caused by the readers being installed at differing heights which then affects the facial geometry from reader to reader. It is critical that for facial jobs ALL facial readers are mounted at an identical height.


6. Will the software run on Mac?


The ZKAccess 3.5 is NOT Mac compatible in any way.


The ZKBioSecurity must be hosted on a Windows machine, but may be accessed via any web browser, including Safari on a Mac, or even a mobile phone browser.


7. Can I import existing users/cards?


Yes, you can, the Personnel (users) screen in both software packages has the facility to import users & cards directly from an excel spreadsheet. User details can also be exported in this section.


8. Can I do lift control on with the no charge ZKAccess 3.5 software?


No, you cannot, you MUST use pro series controllers & the ZKBioSecurity licensed software package