Permaconn, PM45-4G, Dual SIM 4G + IP / 3G Communicator
The Permaconn DI-400 PSTN Module for PM1048 offers reliable communication by maintaining a secure and constant link to the Central Station, ensuring uninterrupted monitoring even under variable network conditions. Seamlessly integrating with the PM45 4G communicator, the module supports communication over 4G, 3G, and IP networks, adding flexibility and improved connectivity. Its compatibility with a broad range of alarm panels via Contact ID allows consistent, secure data transmission across various systems. The DI-400 prioritizes IP as the primary alarm path and, if the IP connection fails, it automatically switches to 4G/3G. This redundancy further strengthens security by maintaining communication under all conditions.
Key Features
- Remote “over-the-air” alarm panel programming using 4G/3G or IP path
- Dual SIM + IP alarm communicator
- Plug & Play solution
- Interfaces with any Contact ID alarm panel
- 3 input + 3 output, function control using Atlas and/or Pocket Secure
- Communicator automatically switches between 4G and 3G networks
- Low current draw, easily powered from the alarm panel
Additional Features
- Small size – Fits inside alarm panel enclosure and suitable for ATM & M2M applications
- Secure VPN within Optus & Telstra networks – Dedicated to Permaconn events only
- AES128 encryption for alarm data – Secure transmissions over the public internet
- High-speed RS232 Interface – Future development
- PM45-4G acquires an IP address automatically using the customers DHCP service – No IT headache
- Various diagnostic LEDs – Easy installation
- Activate, commission, and diagnose using Atlas – Seamless installation process
- Three (3) dedicated paths of communication – Uptime in excess of 99.9%
- Internal watchdog reset function – No unnecessary service call-outs
- Monitors & reports dialler interface lead status – Panel dialler to Permaconn interface secure
- Compliant to AS2201.5:2008
- Outputs can be configured to arm/disarm alarm system, control gates, and lights. ‘Pocket Secure’ smartphone app controls these functions.
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